
MSM Milling is investing in a major expansion to add a new oil Solvent Extraction Plant to our operations in Manildra to will help us remain competitive in the Australian and international market. This would increase the processing capacity of the plant and ultimately ensure a resilient and profitable business for local workers and associated economic benefits for the town of Manildra and the broader region.
This page contains information about the proposed expansion, project timeline and frequently asked questions.

About the Manildra Plant Expansion

The plant expansion involves three separate Development Applications to build parts of the new plant in stages.

What’s involved

Rail intake upgrade

The rail side upgrade will include:


  • Building 1 large grain silo, with the possibility of a second later
  • Building a small, elevated silo.
  • Installing mechanical equipment such as walkways and conveyors.

New Site infrastructure

The site infrastructure upgrade will include new:

  • offices and amenities for staff
  • carparking areas
  • internal paths and roads
  • weighbridge
  • storage and loading facilities for canola oil
  • storage and loading facilities for canola meal
  • electrical equipment
  • site stormwater and odour management infrastructure.

Solvent Extraction Plant

  • A new canola oil Solvent Extraction Plant housed in an industrial style building. This building will be approximately 25 metres high (similar to the height of buildings in the existing plant).
  • Inside the building there will be processing and mechanical equipment, and outside, a new overhead conveyor and walkway connecting the existing plant to the new plant.
  • We will also install all necessary safety systems to keep workers and the community safe.

What are the proposed benefits?

  • We’ll be able to unload canola seed from trains faster, allowing more grain to be delivered by rail, and reducing our reliance on road deliveries. 
  • Workers and visitors to the site will benefit from new site infrastructure. 
  • Additional odour management will ensure that odours from the plant are managed effectively.
  • Stormwater management systems will protect our local waterways. 
  • The new plant will nearly double our production capacity and improve oil yield, enhancing our long-term sustainability. 
  • There will be economic benefits such as jobs during construction and operations, and flow on benefits in the town.

MSM Milling plant expansion site map

Project Timeline

Finalising our project scope and approach: We’re currently finalising our detailed engineering and project safety measures. We are starting community consultation so that we can use findings and feedback from early consultation to inform our approach.

We will submit our Development Application for the rail intake upgrade to Cabonne Council who will publicly display it for a period of time as part of their process.

We will submit our Development Application for site infrastructure to Cabonne Council who will publicly display it for a period of time as part of their process.

We will submit our Development Application for the new solvent extraction plant to Cabonne Council who will publicly display it for a for a period of time as part of their process. 

If approved, construction would begin on rail intake upgrade.

If approved, construction would begin on site infrastructure.

Commissioning of new plant and infrastructure planned to begin following construction.

If approved, construction on the Solvent Extraction Plant would begin.

Additional Information

Sharing Benefits with the Community

MSM Milling actively supports local causes, organisations and events in Manildra and the wider community, and have proudly invested around $500,000 over the years. 

We’re proposing to establish a community investment fund to continue our support of causes that are important to Manildra residents and the wider community.

Join the new MSM Milling Community Investment Committee

The new committee will include members from the local community, MSM Milling and local business and organisations. If you are interested in being part of the new committee or have suggestions for any organisations that might be, tell us via our online feedback form.

Give your Feedback

We welcome any questions, comments or complaints on our expansion project.

To give your feedback, contact or call us:

Guin Dickie 02 5325 4309

More Information

For more information about the project, read our Frequently Asked Questions or Factsheets: