MSM Milling value adds to canola seeds to produce the highest quality Expeller Pressed Non-GM Canola Meal, as well as a range of pelletised stockfeeds, for a variety of animal feeding applications. MSM Stockfeeds are produced and pelletised on-site in Manildra at our large state-of-the-art Feed Mill, which was designed and built to cater for local and export livestock producers, dairy farmers and the aquaculture sector. The protein and energy in MSM Stockfeeds products comes primarily from MSM Milling’s Expeller Pressed Non-GM Canola Meal.

Please note that all Stockfeeds:
- Are formulated by trained nutritionists
- Provide the optimum balance of bypass protein, starch, energy and essential minerals to maximise milk and meat production.
- Contain Non-GM ingredients
- Contain MSM Milling’s Expeller Pressed Non-GM Canola Meal produced on-site, which is high in both bypass protein (or Rumen Undegradable Protein – RUP) and amino acid (protein) availability.
- Also contain other raw ingredients which are sourced locally, including products from the Manildra Group
- Are available locally in a variety of configurations and exported in bulk around the world
- MSM Milling’s consultant nutritionist can work with clients to develop custom feeds to ensure pellets provide optimum nutrition for a range of agricultural sectors.

In addition, MSM Stockfeeds produces supplements and custom feeds in pellet form or as a mash for a variety of livestock and feeding situations.
MSM Stockfeeds has dedicated silos and a container loading facility to allow the pellets to be transported by rail to port for export markets.
MSM Stockfeeds is a fully Accredited Stockfeed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia (SFMCA) Feed Supplier.
MSM Stockfeeds are available locally in:
- Bulk
- Bulka Bags
- Delivery using a dedicated blower truck service
For pricing and further details please call MSM Milling on:
02 6364 5999
Feeding Guidelines
- Two weeks prior to feeding drench and vaccinate all stock with at least a 5 in 1, and Vitamins A,D,E & B12, particularly if green feed has been missing from the diet in the previous 3 months.
- Young stock should be given their relevant booster shots.
- Do not vaccinate/drench/weigh/draft etc all on the one day and place the animals immediately onto feed as this can create too much stress, increasing mortality rates and hunger, causing gorging of feed on introduction.
- Maintain low stress handling procedures as stock transition onto feed. This will improve grain uptake and reduce mortality rates. Transportation and changing mobs can add to this. Social behaviour is also important so having stock adjusted with the social pecking order determined is important.
- Ideally introduce the animals to feed in the paddock over a 7-14 days period prior to confinement feeding commencing.
- Build up intake of grain and/or pellets slowly to ensure rumen stability. Transitioning to confinement feeding should take place in a 7-14 day window with stock introduced to the ration gradually to avoid any sudden changes to the rumen.
- Ensure adequate roughage is available at all times and forms at least 30% of the total DM intake.
- The higher the quality of roughage used during induction will encourage greater roughage intake and reduce the acidosis risk.
- If your livestock run out of grain/pellets, ensure they have been fed hay/roughage prior to re-introducing grain/pellets so the rumen is not empty and to avoid the potential of the animals gorging themselves.
- Self-feeders should be only opened to 10-12mm max to limit intake and avoid gorging. (Once you damage the rumen lining with acidosis, it very rarely recovers.)
- Providing stock with 24-hr a day access to feed and making stock work for their feed will create saliva and help produce natural buffers. This helps the rumen work over a longer period and therefore improves feed efficiency
- Water. Water. Water. It is critical in digestion and hydration. Animals cannot process dry matter without adequate clean water.
- Clean water troughs daily. Remember meat is approx. 75% water.
- Pellets should never be stored in a fully sealed silo without ventilation. Pellets absorb and release moisture, causing condensation which can potentially lead to product degradation. On delivery, leave silo lids off for 2-3 days (weather permitting) to allow adequate ventilation for the pellets to adjust to the ambient weather conditions.